
When conferring help for others,

Why do some people act insane?

Tell them!

You have got nothing to lose and

They have got nothing to gain

So endeavour to help all living beings and not precisely human

Treat all species with kindness,

Treat them with compassion who are in anguish and pain

Because I believe,

The primary purpose of life is to serve others in need and

Not to rush in the traffic lane


I have tried to explain,

The true meaning of the human domain

But I speculate,

People intentionally act nerds as if they’re high on cocaine

Yet the question arises how can I make such claims!

Well, haven’t you heard about the war between Russia and Ukraine

Though there are a handful of people who have more than sufficient

But instead of helping and encouraging others, they urge to complain

And so I worry about this, again and again

Whether humanity will survive or will go in VAIN!

~ Chinki Ridhi Choudhary



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